Want to make your workplace a better place to be? Download our free Month of Kindness: Work checklist.
Here are 20 ideas to help you spread kindness in the workplace:
- Give your leader a compliment.
- Invite someone new to lunch.
- Teach someone a new skill.
- Bring snacks to leave at the coffee bar (hot chocolate, creamer, cookies/chips).
- Send a letter or email to someone who helped you or mentored you in your career path.
- Offer to run an errand for a co-worker.
- Clean that cluttered area that everyone ignores.
- Put a positive sticky note on each of your co-worker’s desks.
- Bring coffee to a friend.
- Go for a walk with a colleague.
- Make a positive playlist and send the link to your co-workers on a Friday.
- Organize a game lunch to play icebreaker games or cards.
- Learn something new about a co-worker.
- Post a positive quote in the breakroom.
- Offer to take notes in a meeting.
- Help someone with technology.
- Donate old leadership books or inspirational books to the break room or lounge area.
- Write the admin or intern a thank-you card.
- Give to the fundraiser of a co-worker’s child.
- Bring an umbrella and leave it by the door for someone to borrow.
I think kindness is my number one attribute in a human being. I'll put it before any of the things like courage or bravery or generousity or anything else." Roald Dahl
Check out our other Month of Kindness Checklists:
Month of Kindness Challenge: Kids
Month of Kindness Challenge: Advanced