Download and print our free Month of Kindness Checklist: Advanced. Your own Month of Kindness starts now!
If you’re no stranger to spreading kindness, here are 20 ideas to help you brighten life in your own part of the world:
- Give a deserving couple you know a night of free babysitting.
- Buy a book for a child.
- Give an old coat to a homeless person.
- Make a “compliment jar” for a friend.
- Endorse a skill or leave someone a positive recommendation on LinkedIn.
- Give a gift card you don’t intend to use to someone else.
- Send some flowers to someone who is alone this Thanksgiving.
- Write down your spouse’s best qualities. Save it for a rainy day this month and give it to them.
- Read one inspirational book.
- Send someone a funny card.
- Volunteer to pick a friend up at the airport or clean their car.
- Leave a server or barista a positive note.
- For one week, be 15 min. early to everything. Use the extra time to slow down and observe.
- Write a thank you note to your child’s teacher, or to a teacher or pastor in your life who could use encouragement.
- Take someone out to breakfast.
- Say something positive about an employee to a manager.
- Write down three things you are thankful for each day.
- Make a $25 donation to a new charity.
- Put up Christmas lights, or volunteer to help a friend put up theirs.
- Leave a basket of free goodies/notes in a public restroom.
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant." Robert Louis Stevenson
Check out our other Month of Kindness Checklists:
Month of Kindness Challenge: Kids
Month of Kindness Challenge: Work