The holiday season is one of the craziest times of year—we’re running around, frantically buying gifts for everyone, trying to hit deadlines, and planning travel arrangements to see friends and family. Even though it’s one of the most magical times of year, it can also be one of the most stressful times. Being kind can help you minimize stress and feel more zen.
Kindness is Healthy
We already know that being kind is good for our health. Acts of kindness can make someone’s day, but they also positively impact the person doing the act of kindness in the first place. Studies have shown that intentionally kind people are generally happier and less stressed out in life. Choosing intentional acts of kindness on a regular basis can actually lead you to zenness.
5 ScientificallyProven ways Intentional Kindness will Benefit you
- Perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol, which is the stress hormone! So more kindness equals less stress
- A study showed that people who performed acts of kindness actually saw improvement in their anxiety and depressio
- When you’re kind, it produces endorphins which is the brain’s natural painkiller!
- Kindness increases serotonin. Serotonin is a feel-good chemical that calms you down and makes you happy!
- Acts of kindness produce oxytocin. Oxytocin not only lowers blood pressure, but can actually boost your self-esteem and help you feel less anxious or shy in social settings.
Kindness has so many positive benefits. It’s so important to be kind, especially during the holidays. It’s so important to make sure others feel welcome, feel loved, and feel cared for. If you take some time this holiday season to give back and make a difference in someone’s life, it will in turn positively impact your own life.
When we choose kindness in our lives, it can impact everyone around us and create a ripple effect that stretches far beyond us. Go out of your way to be kind this holiday season and see what amazing things can happen!
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
-Barbara De Angelis