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The Leap for Literacy Project

Stan believes it’s pivotal to teach the importance of kindness to children so that it will stick with them into adulthood.

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Kindness 101: What Is Kindness and How Do You Teach It?

We can easily look up the definition of kindness, but the meaning of kindness goes far beyond just that.

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16 Mr. Rogers Quotes about Kindness

Through his ministry and his television show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Mr. Rogers helped mentor and educate young children about the importance of kindness, community, and friendship.

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Kindness Spotlight: Making a Neighborhood a Community

While the words are often used interchangeably, neighborhoods and communities are vastly different.

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Kindness Spotlight: Strangers Carry WWII Vet to Final Resting Place

They say not all heroes wear capes, and that is so true of the men and women who serve and protect our nation. It’s also true of citizens who fill America with goodness, hope and love through selfless acts of kindness.

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