It's back to school time, and schools across the country are dealing with how and when to open. There's no debate that education is a primary concern, but the ways to deliver it are complicated. From the health and safety of teachers and students to e-learning, in-person, and hybrid learning to extra-curricular activities... there are many important decisions to be made.
Our challenge to you is to focus on the teachers in our lives. They are on the front lines, whether at home or at school (and often both). Be sure to be kind to these superheroes!
Here are some ideas on ways to be kind to teachers:
1. Deliver a goodie basket to the school to be placed in the teacher's break room.
2. Write a personal note to teachers, encouraging them as they start a new year.
3. Ask, "how can I help?"
4. Make sure your child is staying current on their assignments.
5. If you own a business, add a "Thank you, teachers" message to your signage.
6. Send them a gift card to help with back-to-school supplies.
7. Give teachers grace and be positive.
8. Brag on them on social media.
9. Ask, "what do you need?"
10. Write an email to the principal when your teacher goes above and beyond.
11. Make sure you know their birthday and a few of their favorite things. Send in small tokens of kindness throughout the year.
12. Donate to the class library.
13. Give them a plant for their classroom or home office.
14. Take in their favorite beverage.
15. Say, "thank you."
We hope you will take the time to make sure the teachers in your life feel special. Don't forget to show some love to the school staff, bus drivers, cafeteria works, and other school staff members.