Looking for kind but safe things for your kids to do while staying at home.
Here are 20 ideas for kind acts to give your children:
Click here to download a printable checklist.
1. Call your grandparents.
2. Plan a bear hunt in your neighborhood by asking people to put stuffed bears in their windows. Download printable poster and social media post.
3. Add encouraging messages to your sidewalks using chalk.
4. Paint a rock with a kind message and leave it for someone to find.
5. FaceTime a friend from school that you don't talk to often to say hello.
6. Write a note to a parent to let them know they are doing a good job being your parent.
7. Make your parents breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
8. Don’t fight with your siblings.
9. Color pictures for people you love and then put them in the mail.
10. Leave a note and a small gift for delivery drivers.
11. Write a letter or make a card for a relative.
12. Do your chores without being asked and without complaining.
13. Stay at least 6 feet away from other people, even your grandparents.
14. Pick weeds from your flower beds and gardens.
15. Tell each of your family members one thing you love about them.
16. Lead a prayer before dinner asking for this virus to go away.
17. Call your cousins.
18. Give a parent a big hug out of the blue.
19. Host a virtual game night with friends.
20. Place large signs with kind messages in your windows so people can be inspired as they drive or walk by.
Click here to download a printable checklist.
What are your ideas for kids to spread kindness? Let us know by emailing [email protected].
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